[Sussex] The gadget show?

Iain Stevenson iain at iainstevenson.com
Sat Feb 26 11:06:02 UTC 2005

--On Saturday, February 26, 2005 10:53 am +0000 "John D." 
<john at johnsemail.eclipse.co.uk> wrote:

> The "gadet show". Yes a fair amount of it was about windows based
> technology, but one of the articles was about smartphones/3G etc. The
> article went on to explain that most of the "3G experience" in the UK is
> a load of pooh,

... operators have to try and make money to get back the vast amount they 
forked out for licences - hence the emphasis on "walled garden" access to 
content and information.  That's capitalism in action!


> and although didn't really
> elaborate, they were clearly using opera mobile
> <http://www.opera.com/download/index.dml?platform=symbian>, they also
> stated that the phone uses the Symbian OS, I wasn't aware that symbian
> was open source? maybe someone could clarify that.

... dunno about Symbian but Opera is AFAIK the only chunky browser that 
attempts any sort of adaptation to small screens.

> Anyway, "the gadget show" was quite interesting, and you might want to
> keep an eye out to give it a look over.

I nearly fell off my chair in hysterics at MS's "home of the future" - will 
those guys never learn from mistakes of the past?  Still, with M&S putting 
RFID in their underwear the MS home of the future will be able to tell you 
when to change it as well as programming the washing machine with suitable 
cleaning instructions etc.


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