[Sussex] Compact X

sussex at welikegoats.com sussex at welikegoats.com
Thu Jan 6 10:39:18 UTC 2005

On Thu, 6 Jan 2005, matthew Macdonald-Wallace wrote:

> I have recently upgraded my laptop and want to give the old one to my
> g/f, however it only has a 3.2Gb HDD, 64Mb Ram and a AMD K6 450MHz
> processor.  I don't have the money to upgrade, so I'm after a version of
> X that is compact and will still run mozilla and Openoffice.

Firstly, when you say "a version of X", I assume you mean "a Linux
distro". This was easy until I read mozilla and OO. Anyway, your choice of
distro will make no difference. Lose KDE/Gnome and use a proper window
manager to save resources. Really consider buying another 64MB. Replace
mozilla with opera or firefox.


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