[Sussex] MP3 client web interface

Steve Williams sdp.williams at btinternet.com
Thu Jan 6 23:25:37 UTC 2005

Diego Moore wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm thinking of setting up an mp3 server (old p266Mhz / 128mb) and the
> idea is to cable various rooms around the house with phono plugs. So
> all I need is an mp3 client with a decent web interface. The actual
> mp3's will probably be stored on another server.
> I don't own a squeeze box (www.slimdevices.com) however I do like
> their web interface to SlimServer and the fact that it has many
> plugins to fetch album cover, etc.
> Has anyone got any ideas of what I could use? Not sure if SlimServer
> will work without a squeezebox, how about other options?
> This machine will be running Gentoo with no X (headless).
> Thanx
> Diego Moore
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> Diego,

On a slightly different tack, I have an iRiver iHP-140 portable player, 
and very nice it is too. However, the (admittedly Windows based) 
software that comes with it includes a web-based streaming media server 
that uses the iHP-140 on USB2 as the source. The web interface can be 
accessed from anywhere on the network, and it's piss easy to set up.

If you haven't got one and fancy a portable player as well, this is a 
good option.

Steve Williams.

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