[Sussex] linux command line

John D. big-john at dsl.pipex.com
Thu Jan 13 14:46:24 UTC 2005

On Thu, 2005-01-13 at 13:26 +0000, Al Girling wrote:
> H folks,
> John was asking for a list of commands and what they do.  Maybe this is
> the sort of thing you were looking for;
> http://www.unixguide.net/linux/linuxshortcuts.shtml
> You might also consider a copy of the Linux Cookbook, which is a little
> biased toward Debian, but should still be useful.
Cheers Al,

Mucho appreciado as they say in Spanglish!

I'm bookmarking all those command type links and similar stuff - the
closest that I've actually found myself is 


but even that is a bald list (granted a quite helpful list).

One thing that has crossed my mind was how easy it might be to have like
a cross between a dictionary and thesaurus for linux commands, but
possibly laid out in a "how do I do.........." (a la mandrake), task

Oh and it would have to be written in a "plain english" as opposed to
the formatted and technical language of man pages and TLDP howto's etc

Still at the moment, it's just that, a thought!

Again, thanks for the link.


John D.

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