[Sussex] Licence help

Mark Harrison Mark at ascentium.co.uk
Sun Jan 16 23:35:29 UTC 2005


I have several bits of software that, over the last year, I've made
available as a free (as in beer) download.

Sadly, various "life issues" mean that realistically, I'm not going to be
able to carry on supporting them (and one, in particular needs updating,
since one of the protocols it supports has had a major revision.)

I'd, therefore, like to release them under some kind of free (as in speech)

There is, however, a problem. The software relies on a third-party
component. That component is not, itself, free. (It is free as in beer for
non-commercial use only, and not free at all in the source-code sense.)

Which licence can / should I use?



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