[Sussex] ADSL

Matthew Macdonald-Wallace matthew at truthisfreedom.org.uk
Wed Jan 19 10:58:50 UTC 2005

On Wed, 19 Jan 2005 10:38:41 -0000
"Angelo Servini" <Angelo.Servini at claybrook.co.uk> wrote:

> Dear Fellas
> As I now have a 2mb ADSL connection (capped during the day).  I now need some way of doing scheduled downloads after 1am.   Is there an app I can get or a script I can enter to do this?

ummm, cron would probably help here along with wget, maybe you could feed the files you want d/l'd into a text file and then have a for-each loop with wget fired by cron?  Here's the pseudo-code, my shell scripting is crap!

add a download script:

	echo $filename into toDownload.txt

get the files script:
for each new line in toDownload.txt
	wget $filename
	echo $filename into downloaded.txt with timestamp and or errors
end for loop

Then just put an entry into your crontab set for 1am and killing it when the daytime limit comes back in, et volia (je pense)!



P.S. please don't correct the french, it's been years since I did it! :)

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