[Sussex] Migration, I might have got things right but ???
Mark Harrison (Groups)
mph at ascentium.co.uk
Thu Jan 20 20:59:00 UTC 2005
Simon Huggins wrote:
>And you sent the mail through their servers to the lug list server so
>unless they allow relaying to anyone (which is highly unlikely) you have
>indeed changed.
Yes and no.
Open relaying is, indeed, pretty much a thing of the past (except for
Windows users who leave it on by mistake :-) )
Increasingly however, ISPs allow relaying if you use SMTP authentication
against their servers. So in addition to reading your POP3/IMAP account
from their servers while "on the road" you can send mail through their
servers even if you happen to be GPRSed in rather than at home on your
own broadband.
It would be possible, albeit unlikely, to have succesfully changed email
configuration to point to Eclipse, while leaving connectivity through a
legacy provider.
Personally, I'd use a two-phase approach similar to what Jon suggested:
1: www.whatismyip.com
2: Rather than emailing Jon, I'd just go to www.demon.net , select
"network tools" / "internet query tools" or whatever they're calling it
this week, from wherever it currently is on the left hand menu of their
home page, type in the IP address you got in "1", and look who it's
registered to.
In my case, I get: "Your IP is" at stage 1, and
inetnum: -
descr: Eclipse ADSL Customer
... for stage 2, which prety much clinches it.
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