[Sussex] Diagnostic boot disk

Ronan Chilvers ronan at thelittledot.com
Sat Jul 2 21:37:44 UTC 2005

Hi folks

Does anyone know of a useful and simple diagnostic utility / set of
utilities that runs off a boot disk that can be used for a quick and
user friendly diagnosis of common hardware faults.  I need it to be
useable by relatively non-skilled users.  Just needs to do a RAM check,
simple HDD check, simple FDD check (although a floppy boot disk kinda
does that already!!), CDROM check, video card check and keyboard /
mouse check.  (When I say check, I mean a simple yes/no, works/doesn't
work check).  I could probably cobble together a pile of scripts but it
would be fab if there was something already out there (likely to be
waaayyyyy better than my cobblings!!)

Anyone have any suggestions?


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