[Sussex] Strange error when checking html with W3C validator

Ronan Chilvers ronan at thelittledot.com
Wed Jul 13 09:00:31 UTC 2005

On Wed, 13 Jul 2005 09:32:22 +0100
"John D." <john at johnsemail.eclipse.co.uk> wrote:

> Ronan Chilvers wrote:
> >On Wed, 13 Jul 2005 07:38:29 +0100
> >Geoff Teale <tealeg at member.fsf.org> wrote:
> >
> I have tidy installed and as far as I can see it just has to be 
> selected/checked as an option too work (which it is). PHP? (Whooosh -
> as it goes flying straight over my head! :-) )

Are you using tidy though?  When you say its selected / checked, where
do you mean?  Tidy is usually run from the command line - if I have a
file called mydoc.html that I want to tidy into valid xhtml I would do

$ tidy -indent -asxhtml mydoc.html -o myxhtmldoc.html

-indent gives you nicely indented source and -asxhtml does what it says
on the tin.  The -o squirts the results into the specified file.  You
can use the -m switch to have the original document modified instead.

> I was just double, double checking and also tried konqueror as well,
> and when the validator page is use in that, it's spitting out the
> same error as when I use Opera.
> Google chucks out a couple of possibles, but I don't follow what the 
> validator means by "prolog"? i.e. whether it's referring to the xml 
> declaration or the DTD (or both?). As far as I can see, the

The prolog is the XML declaration at the start of your document.  In
your first post, the document encoding in the prolog was UTF-8 but
subsequently you showed it as iso-8859-1... Make sure the encoding your
using is correct first off.  Maybe Opera / Konq are submitting the
document in a different encoding?  I'm intrigued to know what's
happening here...  Being in the old web development game I have an
unhealthy interest in browsers!!!!!


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