[Sussex] RE: Copywrite and the Old Woman ...

Ronan Chilvers ronan at thelittledot.com
Mon Jul 18 08:56:18 UTC 2005

On Fri, 15 Jul 2005 07:17:56 +0100
"Mark Harrison (Groups)" <mph at ascentium.co.uk> wrote:
> However, when I mark it for installation, it tells me:
> "The following action also affects other packages. The following
> changes are required in order to proceed:"
> "To be removed:
> 	mozilla-firefox-gnome-support
> 	ubuntu-desktop"

Geez!!!  That most certainly didn't happen to me!!!  Are you all
up-to-date with your apt-get dist-upgrade?  And this is Hoary we're
talking about is it?  There is also a set of command line utilities
(that gtkpod uses behind the scenes actually) called gnupod which you
might want to try first (http://www.gnu.org/software/gnupod/).

Otherwise try installing gtkpod from source and see how you get on.

When you plug your iPod in, does Hoary recognise it?  A removable disk
icon should appear on your desktop.


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