[Sussex] vvv confused with java - jre, sdk and jvm
John D.
john at johnsemail.eclipse.co.uk
Sun Jul 24 16:55:51 UTC 2005
Hi list,
After reading an excellent review in this months LXF, I've been trying
to install "Openlaszlo" (for making Flash GUI's and stuff).
Problem is, it "needs" java. Ok, so as far as I can tell, I've got it
The Openlaszlo install instructions tell me to check that I've "set
JAVA_HOME" by doing this
john at johnspc:~> echo $JAVA_HOME
john at johnspc:~>
I understand that I have to have the java SDK installed, which I've done
using YaST (in my SuSE 9.3 install). I've tried both 1.4.2-something or
other and 1.5.0-whatever.
Having checked round, I seem to have an absolute myriad of java stuff
installed i.e. I seem to be able to see directories for 1.4.0, 1.4.1,
1.4.2 and 1.5.0 (I know that I've probably done the last two, but where
the first two come from is anyones guess). When I've tried to install it
(the java SDK) it doesn't actually identify itself as the JRE or SDK,
just sun-java and sun-java-dev (plus YaST shows some other sun-java
stuff like sun-java-alsa and things like that, and yes I installed the
bits that seem to be pertinent to my system).
This is the kind of reply I'm getting when I look for "it".
john at johnspc:~> whereis java SDK
java: /usr/bin/java /etc/java /usr/lib/java /usr/share/java
john at johnspc:~>
Plus I'm getting even more confused as I don't seem to be able to do
"locate somethingorother" as I just get the "locate: command not found"
as either user or root.
Could someone advise what I need to do to get this sorted please i.e.
mainly to "set JAVA_HOME", but also why I can't just "locate" things
John D.
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