[Sussex] MP3 recoding
John Crowhurst
fyremoon at fyremoon.net
Sun Jul 31 12:44:22 UTC 2005
On Sun, July 31, 2005 13:23, Dave Chapman said:
> Does anyone know of an easy way of recoding mp3's to a lower bitrate.
> My boy has just got himself a new phone with a 64Mb memory card and wants
> to
> put some mp3's onit.
> Most of the mp3's we have are 128kbps so if we recode them as say 64kbps
> he
> will get more on and the quality would be fine for a phone.
You could try lame:
lame --decode filename.mp3 filename.wav
lame -b 64 filename.wav filename-64.mp3
Or for every file in a directory:
for i in *.mp3; do
lame --decode $i.mp3 temp.wav
lame -b 64 temp.wav $i-64.mp3
rm -f temp.wav
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