[Sussex] Access to RHEL updates without subscription

Geoffrey J. Teale tealeg at member.fsf.org
Wed Jun 1 07:43:02 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2005-06-01 at 01:18 +0100, Chris Jones wrote:
> Hi
> On Tue, 31 May, 2005 17:30, Jon Fautley said:
> > I guess it also depends on your definition of 'distributing'..
> You're right that's a slightly trickier situation and IANAL, so pass :)
> Cheers,


... companies are legal entities, just as human being are (with some
tricky and annoying exceptions).  Distribution is the act of passing
software from one legal entity to another.  Employees of a company, when
doing things that are part of their job, are simply the acting agents of
the company, so employee's moving software (which is licensed by the
company) around for the companies use are _not_ distributing it.  

However, as an outside contractor ever time you give your customer some
software you _are_ distributing it.

If your customer licensed the software and you are just installing it
from them, you are _not_ distributing it.  Key here is that you cannot
be the person agreeing to licensing conditions, it must be a
representative of your customer.


Geoffrey J. Teale <tealeg at member.fsf.org>
Free Software Foundation

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