[Sussex] Email server suggestions

Ronan Chilvers ronan at thelittledot.com
Sat Jun 4 19:23:36 UTC 2005

Hi Paul

On Sat, 04 Jun 2005 12:43:08 +0100
Paul Howard <phowardcom at mac.com> wrote:
> I am getting ready to replace an ageing MS Exchange 5.5 server at
> work and the licensing costs for Exchange 2003 are giving me a good
> reason to ditch MS and use a Linux Mail server.

Top fella!  MSExchange, while amazingly functional is the most massively
bloated piece of software I ever had the misfortune to attempt to

> I already run a few small mail servers using the SME server [1] but 
> although this is a great solution with pop3/imap/webmail etc etc
> built in - it doesn't do very well with handling global address
> lists, especiialy for contacts outside of the organisation.
> Anyone got any suggestions of Linux mail servers I should be looking
> at?

Postfix every time for me.  Postfix + amavisd-new (w. ClamAV +
SpamAssasin) for virus filtering, a decent greylisting policy daemon,
some simple local blacklists and you're off to a flying start. You
could set up an LDAP server for the global lists too.  Postfix will
happily chat away in best LDAP so you could, for example, hook your
spam blocks into your LDAP lists for local users very easily.

Some handy links:-

http://www.postfix.org/ - the main site
http://imgate.meiway.com/ - Len Conrad's excellent IMGate mail gateway
configuration, which will give you lots of ideas for good postfix
http://www.gasmi.net/gld.html - a good little greylist daemon for use
as a policy daemon with postfix
http://www.uebimiau.org/ - a great little PHP driven POP3 based webmail
system.  Works great (although I've never attempted to scale it much)



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