[Sussex] Working with files from Windows partition

Jamie L. Penman-Smithson lists at silverdream.org
Mon Jun 6 02:12:03 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-06-06 at 01:27 +0100, Steve Dobson wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 06, 2005 at 12:36:00AM +0100, Gavin Stevens wrote:
> > I notice that in Ubuntu, root has a run level (is that the right term?)
> > of 755, but viewing files in My Documents via Nautilus, shows these
> > files with a level of 744, thus the Ubuntu root can't alter permissions
> > or anything, because its level is less powerful than the level in My
> > Documents.
> "Run level" is not the right term.  These are the permissions of the file.
> *nix has three sets of permissions: owner permissions, group permissions,
> and other permissions.  Each set as three options: read, write and execute.
> Read and write options are obvious, execute allows you to run the file
> if it is a script or an executable - if it isn't then it has no effect.

The execute permission, when applied to a directory, allows you to
change to that directory with cd:

Execute permission
        For a file, execute permission allows you to run the file, if it
        is an executable program, or script. Note that file execute
        permission is irrelevant for nonexecutable files. For a
        directory, execute permission allows you to cd to the directory,
        and make it your current working directory.
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