[Sussex] Daniel Robbins joins MS

Geoffrey J. Teale gteale at cmedresearch.com
Tue Jun 14 09:40:12 UTC 2005

Microsoft is again ramping up it's team investigating F/L/OSS.

The latest new-start is the founder of Gentoo Linux, Daniel Robbins.
Having transfered all of his IP to the Gentoo Foundation there's
technically no issue for Gentoo, but it's interesting that Microsoft
continue to take on people like this to help them understand F/L/OSS.

I wonder what Robbins offers them?  Can we expect the Longhorn install
to require network access and take in excess of 24 hours to complete
with the CPU's running suspiciously hot?

Geoff Teale
Cmed Technology            -   gteale at cmedresearch.com
Free Software Foundation   -   tealeg at member.fsf.org

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