[Sussex] Daniel Robbins joins MS

Gareth Ablett Gareth.Ablett at itpserve.co.uk
Tue Jun 14 10:07:11 UTC 2005

 From: Geoffrey J. Teale [mailto:gteale at cmedresearch.com]
 Subject: [Sussex] Daniel Robbins joins MS
> I wonder what Robbins offers them?  Can we expect the Longhorn install
> to require network access and take in excess of 24 hours to complete
> with the CPU's running suspiciously hot?

Sounds about right but you missed the blue screen on the 23rd hour.

I suppose at the end of the day employment like this can only help to
sway Microsoft towards the light, on the other hand it does pull people
away from the light side as well.

Ps. no I'm not trying to do a Star Wars analogy.

Gareth Ablett
Systems Developer

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