[Sussex] What distro?

Paul Howard phowardcom at mac.com
Tue Jun 28 19:43:13 UTC 2005

On Tue, 28 Jun 2005 18:27:02 +0100, Paul Howard  wrote:

> I am currently downloading Kubuntu to give it a go - it's a shame the  
> live CD and the install CD are not on the same disc and I can't be  
> bothered to download both so I will just install it and see how it  
> works. :)

Well, I hit the wrong link and downloaded the live CD (doh!) and it's a  
good thing I did.

Kubuntu looks fantastic - ran rather well - and detected all but one bit  
of my hardware - the wifi card :(

It showed up in the list of PCI devices but as with every other Distro  
(apart from Linspire) it just was not seen as a network device.

So Kubuntu is out it seems - although later this week I will be  
downloading the install version and installing it on my Desktop machine at  

I am thinking of trying the knoppix 4 DVD next - just got to download the  
huge beast!

Paul Howard

http://www.phoward.com    paul at phoward.com

mobile: +44-(0)7771-512312    tel: +44-(0)870-068-6141    sip:  

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