[Sussex] Suse 9.3 Pro for free?
Paul Graydon
paul at paulgraydon.co.uk
Thu Jun 30 16:51:14 UTC 2005
Hmm.. Interesting. I went on automatic, and followed the route for
x86_64, as I'm running an AMD64 based system here.
Looks like a full set of CD ISOs there for pro version, though as you
say no DVD isos. I've long since given up on mirror.ac.uk. Ever since
its been moved to its new hosts (last year?) its service has been
appalling, and seems to take about a month and a half to update, wheras
before it was fast and always up to date.
I've been supporting a Novell based network for 4 1/2 years now, I'm
more than used to seeing Novell websites saying one thing and actually
meaning another :-) The community always does a better job! In many
regards Novell are a lot like Microsoft when it comes to passing
information to customers.
For your point 2) if you read the novell site it tells you it might be
called boot.iso, which I can see here:
But you're right, that plainly labelled install one doesn't seem to
appear on any of the dozen mirrors I've checked.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: sussex-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk
> [mailto:sussex-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk] On Behalf Of Paul Tansom
> Sent: 30 June 2005 14:11
> To: LUG email list for the Sussex Counties
> Subject: Re: [Sussex] Suse 9.3 Pro for free?
> On Thu, 2005-06-30 at 13:17 +0100, Paul Graydon wrote:
> > This popped into my mail box at work (we use Novell, so I'm
> subscribed
> > to countless of their mailing lists. Gives me something to
> do first
> > thing in the morning that doesn't tax my brain too much!)
> Usually get
> > some good stuff coming up that's liable to be of some use in our
> > context at work, but I was a little surprised to see a link to the
> > following, which suggests Suse 9.3 Pro is now free? I
> always thought
> > you could only get the standard version free on an FTP
> install. I'll
> > probably give this a try later tonight and see what happens.
> >
> > http://www.novell.com/coolsolutions/tip/15405.html
> Interesting that the details on the web page appear to be
> largely inaccurate! I thought I'd head of and have a look
> (still trying to decide on a recommended end user desktop
> distribution, although evaluation time and a pressing need to
> supply something are both sadly lacking).
> The web page refers to two downloads:
> 1) the DVD install, filename SUSE-Linux-9.3-FTP-DVD.iso in
> the /i386/9.3/iso directory. This is quoted to be around 3.3G
> in size. Taking a look on several mirrors, many have no DVD
> iso file (even those classed as 'complete' and the ones that
> do have SUSE-9.3-Eval-DVD.iso, which is a mere 184.43MB.
> 2) the FTP installation, filename SUSE-Linux-9.3-mini-installation.iso
> in either /i386/9.3/iso or i386/9.3/boot. Well in the latter
> I've not found any .iso files, and in the former the closest
> is 9.3-x86-64-Network-Installation.iso. This seems to
> indicate being for 64bit, but I could be wrong (it is, after
> all, in the i386 section).
> The README_eval.txt file refers to either 3.3GB of CD iso
> files or a single (missing) 4.5G DVD iso. The CD iso files
> look to be there, so I may just try them. It is time I did
> the rounds again, although the likelihood of me moving from
> Debian is pretty low I think (except perhaps for a spare
> box). The last time I tried SUSE was around 6.0 and it was,
> for me, a bit on the dire side - failing to detect big name
> cards that had been on the market for a while, and throwing
> KDE at me - euch ;)
> Long live XFCE - if you haven't taken a look, do so :)
> --
> Paul Tansom | Aptanet Ltd. | http://www.aptanet.com/
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