[Sussex] Knoppix CD - Impressed!

Richie Jarvis richie at helkit.com
Tue Mar 8 21:35:25 UTC 2005

Well, I must say, I am very impressed.  Today my new SATA 160GB HD 
turned up, and I wasn't prepared to reinstall Windoze from scratch...

So, I put the knoppix cd in, and duplicated the old drive structure to 
the new drive using fdisk, and then copied the data over using good ole 
cat, booted up Windoze and issued the fixmbr command, and voila, here I 
am on the new drive with out any hassle!

I must admit it is the first time I have had a look @ Knoppix Live 3.7 - 
and I am very impressed with the contents...

Yes, I know you will all say I should be running Linux, but we have had 
that argument before ;)  And anyway, I now have more than enough room to 
dual boot on this machine!

FC3 install, here I come (dual boot though....)


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