[Sussex] MythTV Help Required

Karl E. Jorgensen karl at jorgensen.com
Sat Mar 12 19:10:25 UTC 2005

On Sat, Mar 12, 2005 at 12:43:27PM +0000, Stephen Williams wrote:
> Chaps,
> My installation of MythTV has gone well apart from 2 problems:
> 1. mythfilldatabase is/has been a pain. I'm running xmltv-0.5.37-r1 and
> have tried earlier versions, but they all have problems grabbing UK
> channel listings. Eventually I used the --manual switch to do it the
> hard way, but if anyone has a full working tv_grab_uk_rt.conf file I
> would really appreciate a copy.

I'm running 0.5.36 without problems...

> 2. Remote control. I've downloaded the lircrc file for MythTV with the
> Hauppauge 350 remote, but the key mapping is nowhere near ideal. Again,
> if any one has a good lircrc file for the PVR-350 remote I'd appreciate
> it. Failing that a list of the standard 105 key AT keyboard commands
> would be a start.

I'm only running a couple of PVR-250s but I presume that the LIRC config
is the same... I've documented my set-up at
feel free to grab lirc config files from there.
Karl E. Jørgensen
karl at jorgensen.com   http://karl.jorgensen.com
==== Today's fortune:
One is not born a woman, one becomes one.
		-- Simone de Beauvoir
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