[Sussex] I might like to become a SLUG

Richie Jarvis richie at helkit.com
Tue Mar 15 14:25:56 UTC 2005

George Zachariah wrote:
> Met some SLUGS at the computer fair at Charmandean, first Sunday this 
> month. For some time, I have been thinking about giving Linux a try, 
> downloaded Knoppix 3.2 some while ago, bought the Corel Linux book with 
> CD, but have since done nothing. Bitter experience with Windows and 
> various associated applications have taught me that one needs a hand to 
> hold when trying something in this sphere. Perhaps The Sussex Linux 
> Users Group is what I want.
> Please let me know when the Knoppix 3.8 Cd will be available, with only 
> a dial-up connection, I do not want to try to download it.
> Will there be a meeting this month; the last Thursday is the day before 
> Good Friday?
> Regards, George Zachariah (01903-740296). email to g_z at onetel.com 
> <mailto:g_z at onetel.com>
Hi George,

Welcome to our little corner of the internet...  Glad to see that the 
BCF stall is doing its job, and introducing the many to the few.

As to the meetings, I was hoping that the SLUG-Moot-Meister would have 
popped up and clarified this as I am wondering myself (and may not be 
able to make it!)

Anyway, good to see you on the list,



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