[Sussex] Microsoft fails to comply

Geoffrey J Teale tealeg at member.fsf.org
Sat Mar 19 20:52:48 UTC 2005

Richie Jarvis <richie at helkit.com> writes:
> The Liberals just confuse the issue further in
> that they don't actually stand a chance, and just dilute the 'change'
> vote - about the only policy they shouted about (which I happened to
> agree with) was to add 1p on income tax for all to pay for it all.

They've dropped that now in favor of the 50% upper tax bracket and
replacing council tax with local income tax.

It is really pointless to right off any political party as unelectable
- so long as you don't vote for them for that reason they won't ever
reach a level of support that changes your opinion.  

In actual fact the Lib Dems look like taking they may well be "viable"
this time around.  At a more local level, in my constituency Labour
are a minority party - the electable choices are Lib Dem or

> I think the basic premise for our democracy is out the window.  We all
> vote for someone to run the country, we are supposed to trust them to
> do so.  How many of us actually do?  Hell, I would trust any of our
> politicals further than I could comfortably spit out a rat.

There are politicians for whom I have a great deal of respect.  They
come from various parties, I don't always agree with everything they
believe in, but I respect their integrity.  Unfortunately none of
those politicians are standing in my constituency.

> Anyway, time to go and get some dinner........


Geoff Teale
Cmed Technology    || Free Software Foundation
gteale at cmedltd.com || tealeg at member.fsf.org

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