[Sussex] internet cafe

Colin Tuckley colin at tuckley.org
Wed Mar 23 13:23:07 UTC 2005

Gareth Ablett wrote:

> If I have a server setup for the gateway with codes to get access and for higher security will it also require an AP or can this be done with the wireless network card in that machine?

I think that whatever you use will need two ports, one to talk to the ISP
and the other either a Wireless nic or a standard nic connected to an AP.
The first option is probably cheaper, but the second option gives you the
capability of adding a switch later and having some wired in PCs for
customers to use.


Colin Tuckley      |  colin at tuckley.org  |  PGP/GnuPG Key Id
+44(0)1903 236872  |  +44(0)7799 143369  |     0x1B3045CE

 "Waiter, there's no fly in my soup!" -- Kermit the frog

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