[Sussex] Re: Setting up a simple home network

Captain Redbeard hairy.one at virgin.net
Sun May 1 14:16:09 UTC 2005

 >Steve Dobson said:
 >> DEBUG_ETH_UP="no"
 >> (Whoops!  GATEWAY was spelled wrongly, now corrected.)
 >I notice you have a gateway.  What type of machine is this 
 >and is it connected to the Internet?  If it is then you 
 >should also have some "nameserver" lines in your 

Sorry, typo.  The line should read "GATEWAY=""." 
  There are only these two machines on the network for the 

 >> The command "ls /home -l | grep public" gives:
 >> drwxrwxrwx  1 root root    48 2005-04-28 21:14 public
 >Week security, but okay.

I know, but I just wanted something that worked, now I can 
do the fine-tuning.

What I plan to do now is start back from scratch, do fresh 
new installs on both machines, and get it back to the point 
where I can access the server directory from the client. 
That way I will have worked out the exact sequence needed to 
get from a virgin installation to a pair of networked 
machines which is what I will then post, so that's the rest 
of my evening spoken for!

Captain Redbeard.

Insomnia - it's not a condition, it's a mentality.
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