[Sussex]The first of the Debian based confusion(s)

Thomas Adam thomas at edulinux.homeunix.org
Sun May 1 23:54:27 UTC 2005

On Mon, May 02, 2005 at 12:35:12AM -0400, John D. wrote:
> Further to my last post, the opera installed OK.
> The nvidia driver installer is complaining about missing
> /lib/modules/2.6.11/source/include/kernel.h - which I'm presuming
> would be the "kernel-sources"???? (which I always had to go and get
> with mandrake - gentoo doens't use "their" installer, they've made
> their own).

You'll be wanting to do the following:

apt-get install kernel-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential module-assistant 

... *Don't* use the nvidia installer -- it's useless.  When you're
compiling things against the kernel as modules, you only ever need the
headers -- under Debian, headers, and source are often separated, so as
to minimise the bloat.  'Build-essential' is a meta-package to install
compiler-related files as well as header files.

m-a a-i nvidia 

.. I forget what this does.

apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-settings 

... self-explanatory.

echo nvidia >> /etc/modules 

... This is done so that the nvidia kernel module is loaded on each
successive (re)boot.

modprobe nvidia 

... This loads it for the current session.

dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86.

... so that you can select nvidia as your correct device driver for your

You'll also need to ensure that in your /etc/sources.list file, for the
deb lines you have listed that you include:

contrib non-free


-- Thomas Adam

"One of us is a cigar stand, and one of us is a lovely blue incandescent
guillotine" -- Stephen Malkmus, "Type Slowly" from "Brighten The Corners"

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