[Sussex] One more Linux user

Gavin Stevens starshine at gavmusic.uklinux.net
Mon May 2 00:40:24 UTC 2005

Hi all,

I have successfully installed Ubuntu on Tracy's PC, as a dual boot with
WIN98SE. It was all pretty easy really:

I shrunk the Windows partition using Partition Magic (thanks Colin) &
then installed Ubuntu from the CD. It detected Windows (but was far too
polite about it;-)), allowed me to set the Linux partitions & just did
its thing. The only thing I had to do manually was to add the relevant
lines to Grub menu.lst so that Windows could boot.

All that's left is to do pppconfig & hope that it will talk to the
modem. lspci seemed happy to identify the modem... Maybe I can avoid a
visit to linmodems.org

I am impressed with Ubuntu all over again.


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