[Sussex] Schools

Thomas Adam thomas at edulinux.homeunix.org
Mon May 9 14:39:36 UTC 2005

Hi --

[bloody top-posters]

On Mon, May 09, 2005 at 02:29:36PM +0000, berto wrote:

> the problem i see with this comes back to the age old argument, what
> are they used to using? Most people especially I have noticed school
> kids do not care about how x & y works they just want it to work and
> micro$oft stuff generally does that, having it so the kids use Linux
> with OO and who knows what else at school and then at home they use
> Windows and MS Office, it could cause more damage then do good. 

Far from it.  The presupposition there is that MS will dominant
regardless.  Look around you, and you _will_ see a wider acceptance of
Linux now creeping in.  Why *should* one company hold a monopoly over
IT?  Government wants to educate us in IT, therefore the minds of today
should be made aware of what's happening out there -- and Linux is *it*.
It's being adopted by more and more companies.  To dismiss it out of
hand because it might cause pupils to ask more questions is
contradictory to education.

-- Thomas Adam

"One of us is a cigar stand, and one of us is a lovely blue incandescent
guillotine" -- Stephen Malkmus, "Type Slowly" from "Brighten The Corners"

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