[Sussex] Emacs help

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Wed May 11 22:34:39 UTC 2005


On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 10:35:04PM +0100, Rupert Swarbrick wrote:
> Been coding on my laptop using emacs and come up with an irritating
> problem, namely that both the backspace and delete keys delete the
> character before the cursor.
> Ctrl-<bkspc/del> works, but does the opposite to expected - so ctrl-del
> deletes the word before the cursor, not the one afterwards.
> Backspace/Delete work fine in e.g. OpenOffice.org, so I assume that it's
> an emacs config issue.
> Any ideas would be greatly appreciated as I always remember ctrl-d after
> moving the cursor to the other side of the word and deleting it that way!

Using C-H c (describe-key-briefly) I get the following for DEL & BKSP:

<delete>	delete-char
<backspace>	backward-delete-char-untabify
C-<delete>	kill-word
C-<backspace>	backward-kill-word
If I then use M-X and enter the command (tab completion works) they
do the right thing.  Do they for you?

If so then it is definitely the key bindings.  Have a look at your
~/.emacs file for any key settings.  I assume they are the 
   (global-set-key ...) 
lines which I have in mine to define the functions of the mouse


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