[Sussex] Grub (becoming another gentoo thread...)

Simon Huggins huggie at earth.li
Tue May 17 16:19:49 UTC 2005

'ello LUG

On Tue, May 17, 2005 at 10:36:44AM +0100, Geoffrey J. Teale wrote:
> Simon Huggins <huggie at earth.li> writes:
> ----- %< -----
> > I don't, honestly, think you want to be converted ;)
> I think that the answer is simply that Steve has learnt the Gentoo way
> and doesn't want to relearn to move elsewhere - I find that most
> people who are single distro zealots fall into this mindset.  It's not
> necessarily a bad point of view..

Sure but I'm more interested in the claims about grub than rehashing
what he and you have said before...


oOoOo     Granny sighed.  "Gytha, Greebo would like Norris the     oOoOo
 oOoOo Eyeball-Eating Maniac of Quirm if he knew how to put food  oOoOo
  oOoOo                       in a bowl."                        oOoOo

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