[Sussex] Grub (becoming another gentoo thread...)

Simon Huggins huggie at earth.li
Tue May 17 17:36:46 UTC 2005


On Tue, May 17, 2005 at 06:25:14PM +0100, Steve Williams wrote:
> On Tue, 2005-05-17 at 17:18 +0100, Simon Huggins wrote:
> > Sure but I'm more interested in the claims about grub than rehashing
> > what he and you have said before...
> I never claimed there's anything wrong with grub - it's fine on my
> Gentoo installs. However, the default Ubuntu grub setup couldn't cope
> with my spare box configuration. I'm sure that some configuration work
> would sort the problem, but that defeats my objectives for a binary
> distro - that it should be installable with a minimum of work.

So what do you do differently on your Gentoo installs?

I take it just running grub-install /dev/hda (or sda or whatever) fails
on both so you must be doing something different (i.e. configuring it
manually) or gentoo must be doing something for you...

The other alternative of course is that perhaps they use different
kernels and that Ubuntu happens to have the devices ordered in linux
differently to the BIOS and Gentoo (with a hand compiled kernel
perhaps?) happens to have them in the right order.

I am interested in why you seem to persist in thinking that the binary
distribution should read your BIOS somehow to work out what's what yet
Gentoo shouldn't.

Hopefully your reply will clarify my confusion.


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