[Sussex] RDP on linux?

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Wed May 25 11:52:56 UTC 2005


On Tue, May 24, 2005 at 03:13:48PM +0100, Matthew Macdonald-Wallace wrote:
> As some of you know, I'm trainig as a MCSA to get back into the industry.

Oh, no!  More money to M$ for old rope.
> Is there any way of accessing my linux box from the lab I'm learning in?
> I can't install any software on these computers, so I'm hoping there's a way of
> installing software on my linux box that will let me access it via windows.
> (Yes, I know there's telnet, but I'm really not happy to send my passwords over
> that)

The second best way of accessing Linux system from Windows is PuTTY.  If you
can't install any software on the machine (and PuTTY is a single exe file
that can be placed on your desktop) why not try and put it on a USB disk and
then run it from there?

For the best way drop an Knoppix CD (or any live CD) into the CDROM/DVD
drive and boot of that!


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