[Sussex] Quick qemu question

Gavin Stevens starshine at gavmusic.uklinux.net
Wed Nov 9 00:19:40 UTC 2005

Hi all,

I've been playing with qemu so that I will be able to get screenshots
for my presentation.

However, I just need to be sure of something before I go ahead...

I typed the command: "qemu -cdrom /dev/cdrom" & I saw the Debian DVD
show its first couple of installation screens. Great.

What I need to be sure of, is that qemu isn't going to write stuff to my
hard drive or do anything that could compromise my system.

So, is the above command safe? or should I use "qemu -snapshot

Qemu is today's pleasant surprise: For an app that sounds so weighty in
description, with all the emulation talk, it only took me a few minutes
to get it working.

TIA for any help,


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