[Sussex] grub problem - post kernel upgrade

Steve Williams sdp.williams at btinternet.com
Mon Nov 14 17:58:22 UTC 2005

John D. wrote:

> Hi list,
> During my regular "emerge -uD world", I noticed that there was a new 
> kernel version.
> So as usual, I ran genkernel to compile it. When it came to reboot the 
> damn system would only drop me into a grub prompt (grub>).
> The only thing that I could find was telling me to do
> "grub> root (hd0,0)"
> and
> "grub> setup (hd0)"
> I don't understand what either of those commands did.
> Amongst my pile of junk I located a kanotix live CD (knoppix 
> derivative). Booted that and can see that there is a grub.conf and a 
> grub.conf.bak in the /boot partition. The problem seems to be that I 
> can't just copy the old version from the .bak to the main grub.conf 
> because when I try that I just get told that the main system is only 
> available in read-only - I've done some searching for ideas, but both 
> the main knoppix page and one from IBM's site that says about rescuing 
> with knoppix tell me to mount and the chroot - but I can't chroot to 
> get into the main system.
> Obviously, it'd be better if I could just copy the .bak to the main 
> grub.conf (which appears to be empty), but I'd write it long hand and 
> enter the info if I can just get into the system or see the grub.conf 
> file via the grub> prompt.
> Does anyone know how I can get round this please??

OK. What kernel were you running, and what kernel post emerge?

Steve W.

> regards
> John D.
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