[Sussex] mencode works much better than imagemagick

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Fri Nov 18 11:40:20 UTC 2005


For those of you that remember I produced a little ray traced video a
while back.  The big problem with it was the size, it was around
16Megs for a window of 384x288.

I said then that I was planning to switch from imagemagick for 
encoding the frames into video to mencode (the encoder for 
mplayer).  I've now worked how to do that (I RTFMed).

The new video is up, and its only 3.1Megs for a fill 720x576
sized window.  Now that's what I call a reduction!

Anyway if you want to see it you can down loaded with:


How to get this to work will be answered in my talk on PovRAY
Feb next year.  But if anyone has any questions that they want
the talk to answer then could then please send them to me.

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