[Sussex] Gnupg and it's use

Al Girling al at gcguk.demon.co.uk
Wed Nov 23 15:57:27 UTC 2005

Hi folks,

I've started to use Gnupg lately, seems like a popular thing among
GNU/Linux types.  I can't help but notice that hardly anyone on this
list signs their mail.  Is this a mailing list etiquette thing or
something else?  I know that people who use Outlook Express will get
annoyed if they receive signed mail as for them they get a blank mail
with two attachments, one of which is the message, which they then have
to open in Notepad.  I can see this as being a barrier to potential new
users and that you may discourage the use of gpg as a result.

Am I close, or is that you simply just don't use gpg?

Yours, hoping to learn and trying not foul up!


Al Girling

GPG: key ID 0xB3394ECE
Home page:                  <http://al.sdf-eu.org>
Linux User: #290080         <http://counter.li.org>
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