[Sussex] Gnupg and it's use

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Thu Nov 24 15:19:19 UTC 2005


On Thu, Nov 24, 2005 at 11:48:32AM +0000, Al Girling wrote:
> I didn't know Gnupg had been partially integrated.  Which MTA?  (Or
> should that be MUA?  Sorry to get all pedantic. ;) )

Well maybe integrated is the wrong term, but GnuPG runs on Windows
and I know of peope using it.  As to which MUA (Mail User Agent)
Google for it.  I don't use Windows - I don't care.

> > There is no point in putting your GnuPG ID in your signature.  If
> > you want to put something put the fingerprint in, but personally
> > I don't think that is worth doing either.  Just sign everything
> > that leaves!
> Ah!  That was me being rather sheep like and copying others.  After
> thinking about it I can see your point.  Key ID duly removed from sig.

          :-) Engage brain before fingers :-)

> > I see that you're name is not do to come to the Moot tomorrow, so
> > we can't do a key signing there.  Where abouts are you?  If your
> > close maybe we could go out for a drink and exchange keys some
> > time.
> This could be a bit awkward, I live in a small village in North
> Yorkshire.  Why are you subscribed to the Sussex LUG I hear you ask.
> Well, I was born and brought up in Runcton (just outside Chichester) so
> when I looked through the UK LUG listings and found this list I thought
> for old time sake I see what people from my home area were doing with
> Linux.  Rather a lot it seems!  So I subscribed and have been skimming
> off info and useful tips since. (hope you don't mind) I did manage to
> get to a meeting this time last year while I was down visiting my
> parents though.

We know mind - but follow Nik's Fraggle link and add yourself to that
(if you haven't already) - it's nice to see where everyone is.

> I will, however, be down over Xmas and would like to exchange keys.  I'm
> trying to get some things organised on that score at my local LUG in
> Scarborough and with other local LUGs.  Scarborough LUG has just twinned
> with a group from Manresa in Spain, and as we have a bizarre agreement
> that one group will travel to meet the other based upon the outcome of
> the eurovision song contest it seems we may be able to expand the web of
> trust to the Catux LUG.  Watch this space!


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