[Sussex] MythTV --> DVD

Paul Graydon paul at paulgraydon.co.uk
Fri Nov 25 13:03:47 UTC 2005

I've got the dual DVB-T tuner MythTV box working very nicely now at
work, almost to the point of getting around to telling the teaching
staff about its availability.  It's a nice fairly minimal install using
Gentoo and EvilWM, boots nice and fast and straight in to an X session
with mythfrontend, as the locked down user.  I'm still pushing to get a
large 2nd hdd to use for recording to though.  We do have roughly enough
space for 12 hours recording, whilst still leaving space for the DVD
creation process, but I'd rather have up to around 40 hours to be

I'm having a minor niggle with outputting to DVD however.
The attached txt file, outputted form Word, is the instructions I
provided the staff member who will be doing the day to day work with the
box.  She's burnt a couple of programs down onto DVD-R, and taken them
home to test on her DVD Player at home, and she discovered that she can
neither rewind, fast forward nor pause playback, merely play.  I presume
that means the process I've given her doesn't create frame markers or
some such on the disc?  Is it just a case of a missing flag or am I
going fundamentally wrong somewhere along the line?
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