[Sussex] Samba strikes again!

John D. john at johnsemail.eclipse.co.uk
Sat Nov 26 14:06:02 UTC 2005

John D. wrote:

> Hi list,
> I'm trying to get Samba working again, this time under gentoo.
> Now I've tried to follow gentoos howto for Samba (which also seems to 
> cover cups and clamav). Also I found a thread that was about Samba and 
> printing. Neither of which proved very helpful - as following the 
> instructions seemed to generate unexplicable errors.
> OK thinks me, I've got webmin installed. I should be able to get "it" 
> doing something with that.
> Wrong! - Initially, it wouldn't let me log in as either user or root. 
> It also kept throwing up something called kwallet manager. So OK, I 
> read the help file from kwallet manager. That was as clear as mud!
> After a bit of meddling, I think I succeeded in stoping kwallet 
> manager from giving me the weird (and to me, undecypherable) dialogues.
> Plus, after unmerging and re-emerging webmin, it seems to let me in as 
> root, but I can't find anyway of using it to create samba users.
> I'm not even sure if I actually need any users, other than root (and 
> trying #smbpasswd -a john just gives me errors).
> If I try running webmin>servers>samba>swat I just get told
> *Quote:*
> You cannot run SWAT through Webmin, as your Samba configuration has 
> the Only allow:... (allow hosts) option set.
> So any advice on what I need to do to get this PITA working is much 
> appreciated.
> Plus, as far as I can work out, SWAT would have been installed with 
> Samba, but if I try that directly in a browser, it just errors me out 
> i.e. no login window or anything.
> I don't think that I need an smb.conf anywhere near as complicated as 
> the one above - but I can't locate anything that will explain what I 
> actually do need.
> Perhaps someone could point me in the right direction???

So, I can get into webmin - which as I understand it, should allow me to 
run SWAT to configure/setup an smb.conf - but it doesn't. I had to 
delete the smb.conf shown above as it appeared that it was somehow 
connected with that, that I was getting the error about starting swat.

Except now, I can get the SWAT login dialogue, but it won't allow me to 
login. root or otherwise.

Does anyone know if SWAT usernames/passwords are different from the 
webmin and samba ones ? As I'm still not able to make/modify users and 
passwords for samba.


John D.

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