Plain English was [Re: [Sussex] Grammar (was Gnupg and it's use)]

Nik Butler nik at
Sat Nov 26 19:56:17 UTC 2005

jumping in as I tend to .

I would prefer that grammar coincided with better phrased, and thought 
through, sentences. I for one get quite annoyed when people say such 
things as "Next Friday" when referring to a date in the future.  
Apparently the term 'Next' when used in the context of a date can have 
various meanings and values which are  dependent on where and when you 
are within that week. 

The use of syntactical markings to define or predict the value of a word 
within a sentence is usually  ( though not always ) born out of some 
level of laziness on the part of the author. Much could be written on 
this topic by myself, and  in doing so I would be plagarising many books 
written by other more informed people.

It would be nice to believe that our attitudes towards the presentation 
of our thoughts and ideas exceeds the minimal value of 'good enough is 
good enough' however this is rarely the case. I would prefer never to 
have to read poorly constructed and mistyped sentences. Those sentences 
created by authors whom generally demonstrate that their thoughts are 
often in excess of their fingers ability to type. It would also be a 
pleasant change to see that the authors have taken time to consider if 
their words are real. Many postings on this site have contained such 
wonderful creations as Supposably, Promision and the incorrect usage of 
the words Inquire and Enquire.

Meanwhile I give up all hope of seeing any of these wishes come true 
because .
Pobody is Nerfect [1]

[1] The views and opinions of this article are the views of the author 
and in no way represent the reality of this mailing list or user group. 
Any resembelance to a cognitive and informed debate are purely fictitous 
and are coincidental. [2]

[2] in other words ... read this posting and understand the author is 
being ironic [3]

[3] and hes using far to many footnotes.

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