[Sussex] [OFF TOPIC] A Plea to the Myth community.

Nik Butler nik at butlershouse.co.uk
Mon Nov 28 21:23:14 UTC 2005

Okay so here is one for the copyright gurus.

I pay a TV Licence and a Sky + subscription. Tonight my Sky+ failed to 
record "Strictly Come Dancing, It Takes Two". An ongoing, pain in the 
rear, issue with Sky+ is the failure to record as promised.

 So now the moral dilema:

Should I openly ask and seek a copy elsewhere from someone whom may have 
recorded it [1] ?

Should I be allowed by the BBC or Sky to seek out another copy to 
replace the one not available ?

My personal view is that the BBC should make these and other shows 
available to download on demand and that they could charge the ( by now 
traditional ) 99pence for the benefit. I am aware they are planning to 
do this next year , a move which made me feel proud to be British, but 
for now im stuck.

[1] yes a completely unveiled attempt to ask on this list .

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