[Sussex] USB Flash Drive
Frances Fleming
fay at uthink.co.uk
Tue Oct 11 20:56:04 UTC 2005
On Tue Oct 11 21:10:43 BST 2005, John Thompson wrote:
> When I want to disconnect a USB flash drive or a digital camera, is it
> alright just to unplug it - or should I do somthing first?
> Running Suse 9.3
Re. USB flash drive: as Alan has just replied, you need to unmount it,
particularly if you've been writing to it, because the data will have
gone into a buffer before being written to the flash dricve, so you want
to ensure you have cleared the data out of the buffer and safely onto
the pen drive.
To do this, on SuSE, assuming you're accessing the USB flash drive
through an icon on the GUI, you should find that right-clicking will
invoke a context-sensitive menu. Choose the Unmount option. You won't be
able to unmount it if its file directory tree is open, or if one of its
files is still open.
> But apart from that - it's OK this Linux - generally only use Windows at
> work now...
Really glad :-)
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