[Sussex] DVD drive and Kaffine question

John Thompson jdthompson at themutual.net
Wed Oct 26 14:45:50 UTC 2005

You are right, of course. Both drives were listed but I didn't realise 
you have to highlight each one and click "add" (I thought that was for 
adding new drives the OS had not found).

Did all that - now works - up to a point.

Put DVD in drive, window pops up, asks if I want the play the disk with 
Kaffine, click yes. Unfortunately, still unable "due to license 

Still, getting somewhere.

BTW: drives only appear in "My Computer" (I know, MS Disneyland talk) 
when they have disks in them.

Still in the foothills of the learning curve. At home for the kids half 
term holiday at the moment, so more time than usual to mess around with 


Dave Chapman wrote:
> On Wednesday 26 October 2005 11:30, John Thompson wrote:
>>BTW:- Tried Yast > Hardware > CD-Rom Drives
>>- Both drives are listed - Nothing to do!
> Were there any mount points listed with the drives.
> If not highlight a drive and click the ADD button.
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