[Sussex] Following on From last nights meeting.

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Sat Oct 29 00:03:48 UTC 2005

Nik, et al

On Fri, Oct 28, 2005 at 11:42:38AM +0100, nik butler wrote:
> I proposed last night that the Slugs make a regular event of hosting a 
> small computer fair whose agenda is the promotion of Linux and the 
> Sussex linux user group.
> We would provide the opportunity for a number of speakers to present for 
> 1 hour their preffered ( open source / linux ) topic in two seperate 
> tracks through out the day . This should allow for 3 hours of talks with 
>   2 seperate streams so 6 Presentations.
> Allowing an opening time of 12.00 and a closing time of 4:00 with 
> presentations runnning 12:30 , 1:30  and 2:30 .

I think two streams will be to much given that we are in one hall.  I
also thing that we will annoy some as there are bound to be some who
want to listen to two presentations running at the same time.

I also thing that 60 min is to long.  A half hour slot is much more
acceptable. It would also allow both streams to be available to all.
At this sort of event the talks don't have to do much be get someone
interested - a half hour is enough to do that.

This then would be very similar to the FAV event that Fay and I went
to.  I thought that event was very well done.
> The main hall will be separated into a few ( we need to limit this to 
> not more than 6 ) vendors stalls. A few distribution stands ( Debian, 
> Ubuntu, Knoppix and Redhat ) and the centre of the hall to open to allow 
> people to sit, chat , demonstrate software and carry out installs.

These need to have a partition from the "main stage" where the talks 
are happening.  Noise pollution and all that.

> We have a limit of 100 people in the halls.

With only 100 people allowed in the hall I think you will find this a
hard sell to BCF vendors.  If you expect only 20% of the punters to
be interested in your wares then a limit of 100 people would appear to
be a poor crowed to sell to.

> Selling tickets at £4 for the day with additional £1.00 for access to 
> presentations. We would offer complimentary CDs on entry.
> We would need to sell 40 tickets to make £200 to cover the hall hire. id 
> like to ask the vendors to contribute a tenner since that goes a long 
> way to the costs for the day.

We need to get a ticket's printed so we can sell them at the BCFs.  We
can advertise it to include "bring your old computer along (backed up
before hand) and we will install it for you."

BTW - when and where is the next BCF?


As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not
certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.
		-- Albert Einstein
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