[Sussex] Lots of IDE drives...

Ronan Chilvers ronan at thelittledot.com
Mon Sep 19 07:52:50 UTC 2005

Hi folks

I've got lots of small IDE drives (4ish GB) that I'd like to use to
learn a bit about software raid.  My kick around machine at home has
the usual 4 IDE channels, but I'd like to be attaching around 5 drives
plus CD.  It seems I can get a PCI ide controller card from Novatech
for around 20 quid.  I'll be using either Ubuntu or Debian.

Anyone done this and can recommend a good card?  Is an extra controller
card a good way to go?  Any more suggestions?  Cheap is good with this
one since I'm just playing around but I don't want to have to jump
through any hoops with the hardware.

Hope everyone had fab weekends!!


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