[Sussex] Sir Tim

Dave Chapman linux-lists at ntlworld.com
Mon Sep 26 11:39:56 UTC 2005

Just spotted this in the Radio Times and thought you peeps would like to know.

Sir Tim Berners-Lee Talks to Mark Lawson
The inventor of the world wide web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, talks about how he 
came to conceive the development that has transformed the world.

Sir Tim talks to Mark Lawson about the mechanics of making the web work, as 
well as engaging in some of the ethical and moral questions his invention 
throws up. [S]
	 	Mon 26 Sep, 20:30-21:00  30mins  Stereo  Widescreen  	 		
	 	Subject	Factual; Documentaries	 		
	 	 	Entertainment; Chat & Discussion

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