[Sussex] Small local community IT project

Ronan Chilvers ronan at thelittledot.com
Wed Sep 28 09:21:39 UTC 2005

Hi folks

Been toying with an idea and would appreciate some opinions on it.  I
have access to some high grade (but old) server and networking
equipment and have been trying to think of creative ways to use it.
One of the ideas is to start a local (ie: Littlehampton area) project
for youth groups.  If I set up a simple network using a server
(something like a Dell Poweredge or older Compaq Proliant), maybe a
switch or two, maybe a router and some workstations, I thought it would
be neat if kids who were interested could come along and learn a little
about server admin and how the internet actually works.  You could run
little tutorials, for example:-

* Simple web scripting
* Simple web server mechanics - what's actually happening when you
upload a site
* Simple email server mechanics - not sure about this one
* Basic networking - TCP/IP, SMB, etc
* Network authentication - basic network user admin, workstation admin,
network permissions, etc

With access to good (if old) kit, I'm wondering if there's an
opportunity for kids who have the potential and interest to start
learning about IT.

I would be using Linux for the server, but would probably go for mixed
windows / linux for the workstations, which would a./ give desktop linux
a bit of visibility and b./ teach about hybrid network environments.  I
may even be able to squeeze in a couple of Macs.  I think it would be
important to have the familiarity of windows available rather than
going hardcore straight for a new and different desktop system.  Or not?

What's everyone's thoughts, good, bad and ugly? (but keep it clean!?!)
Dos and donts?  Good / bad topics to teach?  Network setup
suggestions?  Tutorial task suggestions?

Any and all thoughts much appreciated.

Cheers all

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