[Sussex] Last Night's Moot

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Fri Sep 30 19:47:09 UTC 2005


On Fri, Sep 30, 2005 at 04:16:18PM +0100, Fionn Turnbull wrote:
> "The only problem with Cinelerra is that it requires a monster machine:
> 64-bit.  I don't have such a beast - do you?"
> My understanding, embryonic as it is, is that Cinelerra can be built 
> for AMD or Intel 64 bit platforms, but doesn't have to be.

It could well be, but looking at their website binaries were only 
available for 64-bit systems.  That suggests, assuming it can be
built, that it does so much 64-bit operations that there is little
to no point running it on an non-64-bit system.

Still I may pull the code and compile it - just to see how it

> The best I can offer is dual 3.2Ghz Xeons.

Well that's way better than anything I've got.

You look tired.
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