[Sussex] Desktop eye candy - kinda!

Ronan Chilvers ronan at thelittledot.com
Tue Apr 4 07:51:07 UTC 2006

Hi folks

A silly thing but handy.  I host with Bytemark who provide an RSS feed
of the current open tickets on network problems, etc.  On my work
machine I setup a little php rss reader script which I displayed in an
Active Desktop area.  This was handy because desktop icons and stuff
could sit on top of it, etc.  It was actually part of the desktop.

The question is, can I do this under ubuntu breezy on the gnome
desktop?  I've played with gdesklets but they don't quite do it because
they sit on top of icons.  I'm using one of the RSS aggregator desklets
at the moment.  Anyone know of any alternatives?

e: ronan at thelittledot.com
t: 01903 739 997

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