[Sussex] Firewall appliance recomendations

Jon Fautley jfautley at redhat.com
Thu Aug 10 13:13:49 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1

Diego Moore wrote:
> Hi all,
> Anyone know of any Linux firewall appliances? I know I could build an
> ITX system but I really would like to buy a decent appliance (3-4
> Nics) which comes with hardware and maybe even software support.
> I like the Astaro range, but for what I need it's a bit pricey. The
> reason behind wanting it to be Linux is that normally you can easily
> add modules (Antivirus, IDS, etc).

To be honest - this seems a bit of a strange request. If you want a
commercial firewall appliance, then go for one of the Nokia firewalls
with CheckPoint (assuming they still make them, anyway - been out of the
business for years) - but you will most probably need to pop down to
your local amputation clinic and have your arms and legs removed as part

What's wrong with going for, say, a cheap Dell rackmount server, chuck
in a couple more *decent* NICs (none of those 10 quid network card
things). Make sure you get their highest support offering, and that
should easily compete with any commercial firewall offerings.

The main thing you should worry about is the actual software you'll be
running. If you're after something reliable, and with decent support,
I'd recommend SmoothWall.

Couple the two together, and for around 1500 quid, you've got yourself a
kick-ass firewall appliance :)

What is your reasoning for getting an 'off the shelf' firewall appliance?

- --
Jon Fautley RHCE, RHCX <jfautley at redhat.com>   direct: +44 1483 739615
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 Red Hat UK                                    mobile: +44 7841 558683
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